Diving blog, sea animals facts and conservation

Guía de buceo en Batangas, Filipinas
destinos de buceo

Diving Guide in Batangas, Philippines

Diving in Batangas is extremely attractive due to its wrecks, reefs, walls, drop-offs, caves, tunnels......
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5 pósters de tiburones perfectos como regalo para cualquier amante del océano
buceo con tiburones

5 shark posters perfect as a gift for any ocean lover

If you're looking for an original gift for any shark and ocean lover, this series...
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Fordivers blog

¿Dónde nadar y bucear con tiburones ballena?

Where to swim and dive with whale sharks?

If one of your dreams is to swim and/or dive with whale sharks, these destinations...
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Tiburón Ballena, 20 toneladas de paz

Whale shark, 20 tons of peace

How can such a massive animal, the largest fish in the world, so faithfully represent...
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Tiburones azules y mobulas: las estrellas del buceo en Azores

Blue sharks and mobulas: the stars of diving in Azores

This two animals are more than enough to plan a dive trip to azores
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Tiburón duende, un alien en las profundidades del mar

Goblin shark, an alien in the deep sea

Know it all about the goblin shark is one of the rarest species of shark.
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Tiburones que puedes encontrar en el Mediterráneo... si tienes suerte

Sharks you may find in the Mediterranean Sea... if you are lucky

Did you know that dozens of shark species live in the Mediterranean?
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Isla del Coco: la isla de los tiburones

Cocos Island: the shark island

Why does Cocos Island have such a large number and, above all, diversity of sharks?...
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Adéntrate en el mundo de los tiburones: todo acerca del depredador que tenemos que proteger

Diving into the World of Sharks: A Deeper Look Into the Ocean's Apex Predator

How much do you know about sharks? We tell you everything: feeding, reproduction, existing species,...
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Nuestro top 5 de camisetas de tiburones

Our Top 5 T-Shirts of Sharks

If sharks are your favorite animals, you will love this collection of T-shirts.
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10 raras especies de tiburón de las que probablemente nunca habías oído hablar

10 rare species of shark that you’ve probably never heard of

Of the nearly 400 known shark species most of them are... completely unknown. And not...
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tiburón blanco

Great white shark facts and myths

Sharks are surrounded by many myths and misinformation. We explain some facts and demystify misconceptions about...
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