Diving blog, sea animals facts and conservation

Guía de buceo en Batangas, Filipinas
destinos de buceo

Diving Guide in Batangas, Philippines

Diving in Batangas is extremely attractive due to its wrecks, reefs, walls, drop-offs, caves, tunnels......
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5 pósters de tiburones perfectos como regalo para cualquier amante del océano
buceo con tiburones

5 shark posters perfect as a gift for any ocean lover

If you're looking for an original gift for any shark and ocean lover, this series...
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Fordivers blog

¡No me toques los peces!

Don't touch my fish!

Never touch any living being while diving, here we explain why.
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Las conservación de las mantarrayas y la fábula de los pandas

Protecting Manta Rays and the Panda Tale

Why are mantas endangered? What can we learn from how pandas were protected in the...
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¿Cuánto vale un tiburón vivo?

How much is a live shark worth?

Which makes more money, shark fishing or shark diving?
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¿Qué pasaría si muriese el océano?

What would happen if the ocean died?

Why the urgency to save the oceans? Is their situation that serious?
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8 especies marinas que necesitamos para vivir

The 8 most important marine species for life

Without these animal species, we would not exist
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Sin azul no habrá verde

No blue no green. No water no life

It's as simple as that, if we kill the ocean we kill everyone on the...
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Por qué necesitamos tiburones en nuestros océanos

Why are sharks so important

Sharks, as top predators, they have a very important role in the ocean but also...
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¿Por qué necesitamos proteger la posidonia oceánica?

Why do we need to protect the Neptune grass

The Neptune grass, like other photophilic plants, form underwater meadows of sea phanerogams, which are...
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