Diving blog, sea animals facts and conservation

Guía de buceo en Batangas, Filipinas
destinos de buceo

Diving Guide in Batangas, Philippines

Diving in Batangas is extremely attractive due to its wrecks, reefs, walls, drop-offs, caves, tunnels......
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5 pósters de tiburones perfectos como regalo para cualquier amante del océano
buceo con tiburones

5 shark posters perfect as a gift for any ocean lover

If you're looking for an original gift for any shark and ocean lover, this series...
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Fordivers blog

Todo acerca de la raya águila (Aetobatus narinari)

Everything about the eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)

Are eagle rays dangerous?
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Las conservación de las mantarrayas y la fábula de los pandas

Protecting Manta Rays and the Panda Tale

Why are mantas endangered? What can we learn from how pandas were protected in the...
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Hanifaru Bay, el santuario de las mantarrayas

Hanifaru Bay, manta rays sanctuary

Hanifaru Bay is located in Baa Atoll, Maldives. For several years, Hanifaru Bay has begun...
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Mantarraya, pacífico y misterioso gigante del océano

Manta ray, peaceful and mysterious ocean giant

Know it All About Manta rays
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