Diving blog, sea animals facts and conservation

Guía de buceo en Batangas, Filipinas
destinos de buceo

Diving Guide in Batangas, Philippines

Diving in Batangas is extremely attractive due to its wrecks, reefs, walls, drop-offs, caves, tunnels......
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5 pósters de tiburones perfectos como regalo para cualquier amante del océano
buceo con tiburones

5 shark posters perfect as a gift for any ocean lover

If you're looking for an original gift for any shark and ocean lover, this series...
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Fordivers blog

El año del dragón marino de hoja

Know it all about the leafy sea dragon

Possibly one of the most delicate and elegant animals in the ocean
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Los 10 mejores camuflajes del océano

Top 10 ocean creatures camuflages

Discover the top 10 sea creatures camouflages
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Pez pipa fantasma, un maestro del camuflaje

Ghost pipefish, a master of camouflage

As one of the most delicate fish in the ocean, it requires the best camouflage...
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10 curiosidades sobre los caballitos de mar que quizá desconocías

10 amazing facts about seahorses: from camouflage to courtship

Discover 10 fascinating facts you probably didn't know about seahorses. From their unique appearance to...
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Caballito de mar pigmeo, uno de los más pequeños caballitos de mar

Pygmy seahorse, one of the smallest seahorses

Pygmy seahorses have such extraordinary camouflage that they were not discovered as a species until...
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Todo acerca del caballito de mar, el pez más frágil y enigmático del océano

All about the seahorse, the ocean's most fragile and enigmatic fish

Learn all about seahorses with our comprehensive article. Seahorses are marine fishes that include 55...
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10 retratos de caballitos de mar que cambiarán para siempre tu percepción de estos peces

10 portraits of seahorses that will change forever your perception of these fish

These 10 portraits of seahorses will change your perception of these fishes. This pictures even...
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