Diving blog, sea animals facts and conservation

Guía de buceo en Batangas, Filipinas
destinos de buceo

Diving Guide in Batangas, Philippines

Diving in Batangas is extremely attractive due to its wrecks, reefs, walls, drop-offs, caves, tunnels......
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5 pósters de tiburones perfectos como regalo para cualquier amante del océano
buceo con tiburones

5 shark posters perfect as a gift for any ocean lover

If you're looking for an original gift for any shark and ocean lover, this series...
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Fordivers blog

Los mejores lugares del mundo para ver ballenas azules

The best places in the world for blue whale watching

Is seeing blue whales among your priorities? Here are the 4 best destinations in the...
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Narval, el origen del mito del unicornio

Narwhal, the origin of the unicorn myth

Get to know everything about the animal that started the myth of the unicorn
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Todo acerca del calderón o ballena piloto

All about the pilot whale

Learn all about the second largest dolphin species after the orca
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Ballena gris, la ballena amiga

Gray whale, the friendly whale

Learn all about the gray whale: feeding, distribution, communication, reproduction, and threats.
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14 curiosidades acerca de las ballenas azules que quizá desconocías

14 blue whale facts you might not know

How much do you know about blue whales?
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8 especies marinas que necesitamos para vivir

The 8 most important marine species for life

Without these animal species, we would not exist
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¿Cuántas especies de ballena conoces?

How many whale species do you know?

You probably know fewer species of whales than there are whales
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¿Cómo duermen las ballenas y delfines?

How do whales and dolphins sleep?

How do mammals that live in the ocean sleep?
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Porqué este vídeo de una beluga "jugando" con niños es en realidad muy triste

Why this video of a beluga "playing" with children is actually very sad

No, it's not a funny video of a beluga playing. The reality is sadder.
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Ballena Jorobada, la ballena más activa y acrobática

Humpback whale, the most active and acrobatic whale

Acrobatic, singing and with an incredible hunting technique. This is the humpback whale
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Los mejores lugares para avistamientos de cetáceos en España

The best places for whale watching in Spain

Know the best places in Spain for whale and dolphin watching
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Todo acerca de los cachalotes, una de las ballenas que se sumerge a mayor profundidad

All about sperm whales, one of the deepest diving whales in the world

Did you know that sperm whales are the deepest diving whales, or that they can...
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