The ocean is in itself a extraordinary display of color, contrasts, light, and natural beauty. But in coral reefs is where "creativity" soars, and we find the most colorful and vibrant life not only in the sea but in the entire animal world. In part, thanks to some of the protagonists of this article.
Meet the supermodels of the reef, the 10 most beautiful, elegant, and extravagant fish in the ocean.
10 Moorish Idol (Cornutus Zanclus)
Moorish Idols are very common in the Maldives atolls
9 Ghost Pipefish (genus Solenostomus)

The Ghost Pipefish, belonging to the genus Solenostomus, is a magical, delicate creature with an extraordinary mimicry capability. It has unique ornamental patterns that seem hand-drawn and with patience, along with different spots in various tones creating an effect of shadows and lights that further enhances its mimicry capacity. Pipefish are a marine gem reminding us of the exquisite and diverse color palette inhabiting our oceans.
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8 Frogfish (genus Antennariinae)
Frogfish (Antennarius maculatus) in the waters of Lembeh Strait. Image by prilfish
The frogfish, a member of the genus Antennariinae, is the great master of reef camouflage. Its rough and bumpy skin appears as a tapestry of textures, adorned with fascinating colors, perfect for enhancing its mimicry capability. From brown and gray tones to speckled black patterns, this peculiar fish adopts the appearance of sponges and corals, blending seamlessly into the reef.
7 Sweetlips Fish (genus Plectorhinchus)
Group of sweetlips at the Great Barrier Reef. Image by Nemo's great uncle
The behavior and coloration of sweetlips fish can be reminiscent of zebras: stripes and dots that allow them, when in groups, to confuse their predators and increase their survival rate against attacks.
The genus of sweetlips fish includes 35 species with many differences in colors, line or dot patterns, sizes, and habitats, but all maintain spectacular beauty, with their prominent yellow lips and a curious and radical evolution from fry to adult, which you can see here:
6 Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Clownfish in their natural habitat, the coral reef anemones. Image by bbialek905
Who doesn't know about clownfish and their intense beauty? Their leading role in "Finding Nemo" brought them worldwide fame... something that didn't bode well for the species as they became an obsession for aquarium enthusiasts.
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As we've discussed in this article, there are dozens of clownfish species, each more surprising and beautiful than the last. Their patterns of white, orange, red, and even pink stripes against their bright and colorful anemones make this scene an example of the diverse and beautiful coral reef environment.
5 Humphead Wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus)
Napoleon fish from the Great Barrier Reef. Image by bananeman
The Humphear Wrasse or Napoleon fish is a reef giant with a spectacular appearance, colors, patterns, and intensity of spectacular shades. Our first interaction with this species in the Red Sea was one of the most magnetic experiences we've had. In nature, they are extremely beautiful.
The humphead wrasse is distinguished by their thick and fleshy lips and a kind of hump on the top of the head, right above the eyes, reminiscent of a bicorn, the hat that Napoleon Bonaparte wore. Yes, that's where the name napoleon fish comes from.
Males are light green to sea green, with wavy lines on the head and front of the body. Females, half the size of males, have dull colors of gray, red, or brown. The different sexes are easily identifiable by both color and size. They can weigh up to 200 kg!
4 Emperor Angelfish (Pomacanthus imperator)
Adult Emperor Angelfish in the waters of Maldives. Image by Philippe Guillaume
The Emperor Angelfish is one of our top four favorite reef fish. Especially the juveniles, with their dark blue body adorned with concentric rings of electric blue and white that shine as if they were lit up. The adults maintain those unique electric blue tones, mixed with intense yellow and that distinctive black mask covering their eyes. An incredible beauty!
3 Lagoon Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus)
Lagoon or Picasso Triggerfish, a spectacular inhabitant of the Indo-Pacific reefs and the Red Sea. Image by Philippe Guillaume
We're diving into triggerfish. One of our favorites, both for its colorful and crazy patterns of lines, dots, and circles and for its behavior. Did you know that they are so aggressive that they can drive divers away from their nesting areas and are capable of making holes in the fins of curious scuba divers?
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An example of the beauty of triggerfish is the Lagoon or Picasso Triggerfish, by the way 3 points to the biologist who named it. Cream, white, or brown tones mixed with electric blues? Add to that those yellow lips, orange eyes, blue and black forehead. A truly spectacular animal.
2 Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus)
Mandarinfish, Synchiropus splendidus. Image by Luc Viatour
Don't tell me this animal couldn't be a character in "Avatar." With its incredibly intense blues, oranges, circular stripes, and different shades of green. A spectacular being, highly appreciated in the aquarium hobby, and, by the way, with one of the most curious mating rituals on the coral reef.
1 Clown Triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillumes)
Finally, we come to what, for us, is the most beautiful fish on the coral reef. If the mandarinfish could have appeared in Avatar, the clown triggerfish seems to have come out of an AI tool: "I want a fish that is half black and half white. But with white circles. Uhmm, give it a cheetah-like skin, a white mask but don't cover the eyes. A yellow and black fan-shaped tail and a very fine yellow line. More. Give it a parrot-like yellow beak and a smooth white stripe in its mouth. Instead of a dorsal fin, give it a kind of horn. Ah, and lastly, make it super aggressive. Give it 100 attack and defense."
And that's how the clown triggerfish comes out. A real crazy fish that we have not yet seen in nature but is in our top 3 most desired.