Nautilus (Poster Nautilus Belauensis)
Order now and receive it betweenFeb 10 - Feb 14
Our print-on-demand model saves an average of 630 km traveled per order. Additionally, we only produce and print your poster when you place the order. This helps avoid paper overproduction, the use of energy and inks, and the subsequent destruction of unsold stock.
Nautilus (Poster Nautilus Belauensis)
Bring this illustration of the Nautilus (Nautilus Belauensis) to your room, reminiscent of scientific illustrations from the 19th century. It's a poster that continues to amaze us about this cephalopod mollusk species that has been on Earth for over 500 million years with hardly any changes.
• Paper thickness: 10.3 mil
• Paper weight: 189 g/m²
• Opacity: 94%
• ISO brightness: 104%
• Paper is sourced from Japan
The shipping cost is calculated when you enter your location and according to product size, weight and number of units. Just Add your product to the cart and you will see the exact shipping price.
It takes us 2 to 7 business days to produce, print and manage your order, after which we will ship it to you. You will also have to take into account the shipping time, which depends on your location, but you can estimate it as follows:
Europe: 3-7 business days
USA: 3-4 business days
Australia: 2-14 business days
Japan: 4-8 business days
International: 10-20 business days
With our print-on-demand model, we break free from the cycle of overproduction, reducing water usage and energy consumption. We collaborate to prevent tons of paper and wood from accumulating until they are destroyed. When you place your order, we print and assemble the product just for you. By choosing this model, you are reducing your footprint on the planet.