This wreck, known as Isla Gomera or Nadir, is nicknamed "El Naranjito" among divers due to the cargo it contained when it sank: oranges en route to Barcelona. It was a 50-meter long freighter, 8 meters wide, weighing 665 tons, which sank in 1946 off the port of Cabo de Palos due to a severe storm. Today, it lies submerged at a depth ranging from a minimum of 27 meters to a maximum of 44 meters, making it suitable only for experienced divers.
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Diving in "El Naranjito" at Cabo de Palos
While it doesn't host much underwater life, you can always encounter shoals of anchovies and bogue, groupers, some octopuses, moray eels, and occasionally a sunfish. This wreck is very interesting due to its good state of preservation, the possibility to dive through its holds, and its propeller sunken in the sandy bottom.